乔尔·埃哲顿,威尔·保尔特,达蒙·海瑞曼,本杰明·沃克,图索·姆贝杜,Chase W. Dillon,亚伦·皮埃尔,安珀·格雷,克雷格·戴恩,施奎塔·詹姆斯,Kylee D. Allen,威廉·杰克森·哈珀,卢修斯·巴斯顿,希拉·阿蒂姆,彼得·穆兰,杰夫·波普,特雷弗·戴维,莉莉·拉贝,露西·浮士德,大卫·威尔逊·巴恩斯,楚克武迪·武吉,卡拉·弗劳尔斯,彼得·德·杰西,欧文·哈恩,库伦·莫斯,唐纳德·艾丽斯·沃特金斯,乔恩·阿兹,肖恩·布里吉格斯,吉姆·克洛克,Sasha Morfaw,弗莱德·赫钦格,德
The amount of emotional vulnerability and sensibility portrayed in this film is laudable: the writing and editing really made sure to give enough space for the audience to savor the messiness, complexity and depth of the hardest to express emotions like grief fear and love. At times the scenes felt too much like a music video, but overall they make it a stylish film.