6.5/10。1.桌面电影具有的沉浸感和真实感在后半段被恋爱脑低智女主的迷之操作破坏殆尽,观影感里的「滑稽」超过「惊悚」;2.突然发现这是设定在14年18年拍摄然后21年才上映的片子且片尾注明Inspired by a true story,似乎过时和低智作为时代眼泪应该被理解,只是不知道崩坏的剧情里inspired和true story哪个因素所起的作用要大一点;3.联系简中互联网现状,对「墙是用来保护外国人的」这句话有了新的理解;4.看完最大的感受是「macos真好用啊」。
After all these years watching DesperateHousewives I found out that Bree is the one I never hated. I once disliked Gaby being too selfish Susan being too dumb Lynnette being too strong but how can u blame someone for being too perfect? Even for being a slut,she is the elegant one