4.0Alex Sturman,Clayton Haymes,David Chattam,David E. Ballard,Shirley Dalmas,Joanna Fyllidou,Steven T. Bartlett,Tim Molyneux,Holgie Forrester,Tom Webb,Beau Kiger,Pasha Sol,John Demakas,D. Brad St. Cyr,威廉·W·巴伯,Tyler McDanniel,David Jon Foster,William Ramos Jr
Pr:911事件禁飞后一个偏僻的小岛和小镇热情大方地接待帮助被滞留旅客。小镇人口突然翻倍造成的资源紧张和不同文化的人种没有激发矛盾和不满,反而是大家互相鼓励共度难关。人类在大灾难面前展现出的强大的共情能力、互相照顾、无私善意,人性中最美好的部分在恶劣的环境中更加凸显的闪闪发光。“who am I if I don’t feel like the me from yesterday” “somewhere in the middle of nowhere you’ll find your heart and left a part of you behind”“We honor what was lost, but we also commemorate what we found”