救命 S1的时候怎么没觉得op如此上头 / Mad Max’s cool sure but she can’t act / E6 14min 电梯 裂缝 / E7 “Kali saved us, here, and here” 这一套听着怎么这么耳熟啊 曲社长?/ E9 居然是真驱魔… 色调改变的悬空梯箱/ stuff build up gradually to lead to new tension and twist 十分标准的扣人心弦 “剧作上的程式化” “类型片的融合日益精进” / 这俩跟苦命鸳鸯似的 / Steve是编剧亲儿子 just like Nate is… / prefer the “upside down” vibe in S1
I have to be leaving,but,I wonʻt let that come between us. OK?